Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New Story, A Permanent Home, 1/9

Hi everyone!
Like I mentioned earlier, I'll be periodically posting my stories.
I'll also be posting reccomendations to good fics I think you should check out!

Title: A Permanent Home
Author: Nymphy Lupin92
Rating: T
Genres: General/family
Summary:[South Pacific] A blind girls adventures with the deBecque family.
Chapter: Chapter One
Notes: This was originally written in 05 and I've left it as is. Any suggestions are apreciated!

Chapter One

It all happened the summer I was thirteen. Amelia Fairbanks (or Madame A) the social worker, was driving me to the home of a family whom I would stay with temporarily until she could find a place for me permanently.

Two years ago, my mother died leaving me and my two-year-old sister Levina who my aunt took in. My aunt was one of those people who wouldn't take anyone into her house who was different or "abnormal" as she called me.

Then without even asking me or letting me have a say in it, Madame A told me that I would be living in a foster situation. Since then, I had been going through family after family for about two years. The reason was that nobody wanted to take care of a blind person. I hated it when people did that. Just because I'm blind doesn't mean I'm stupid. In seventh grade I got pretty decent marks.

"Would you like some gum?" Madame A asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"No thank you." I said quietly. I didn't want her to know that I was nervous. The car turned into the driveway and Madame A and I got out.

She handed me my two suitcases and said, "I'll just drop you off then."

I unfolded my long white cane and made my way to the sidewalk. I was careful not to tread on the low shrubs bordering it. I was more nervous than ever.

A/N: So how was that? A bit short I know. I promise the next chapter will get longer.

ETA: Fixed the formatting, should be better now!

Bye and thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Abby,
    That's a good beginning for your story Abby. At some point you'll need to clue us in to the appearance of your characters. Sneak your descriptions into the body of the story. I like the fact that you are writing in first person and that we hear the reflections of the narrator.

    Mrs. Tate
